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The larp will happen at 27th of feb to 2nd of Mar. 2025


The rest of the timeschedule:

15.07.2024: Sign up opens

14.08.2024: Sign up closes

15.08.2024: Flagging mail send out

22.08.2024: Flagging is due

25.08.2024: Spots and waiting list announce

01.11.2024: Payment deadline




To represent Almerton we are using Jerstrup Herregård (Jerstrup Manor)
Address: Jerstrupvej 44, 5400 Bogense.


Links to videos of the location:





Normal Ticket: 2400 DKK / 323 €

Sponsor Ticket: 2800 DKK / 376 €

Discounted Ticket: 1600 DKK / 215 €




Number of players: 38  -  22 upstairs, 16 downstairs.

Age Limit: 18+

Language: All info and the game will be in English.



It is allowed to drink alcohol at the game.
A few glasses of wine for lunch and dinners are included in the price. If you want a cognac to the late evening debate, a brandy, while hunting or something else, you’ll have to bring this along yourself.  

We do not want to see any visible drunk players at the game. If you can not be trusted with alcohol, then don’t drink it.
We’ll send any player away that is too drunk to play or who harms other players or the location because of alcohol. No refund.

Other info:



We cater vegetarians and omnivores.
We'll try to cater to vegans, if the need arises, but we don't promise anything.


We’ll be sending out an inquiry later to gather your preferences and if you have any allergies, we need to know about.

Food is planned to be the following servings:

Thursday evening: We’ll have some light meal available. Friday and Saturday: Breakfast, lunch and dinner in game.
Sunday: We’ll eat the leftovers from the other days for breakfast.




Pictures will be taken during the larp.
These pictures will be shared with the players after the larp.

Let us know if you don’t want pictures of you posted public and they'll be removed.

We also want to keep the right to use the pictures for later PR for this or similar larps.

If you don’t want this, please let us know.

Pictures will be take by Bjørn-Morten Gundersen.

Full photo policy will follow.




If you get drawn in the lottery, you’ll have to pay before 01.11.2024 to claim your spot in the larp.

If you do not pay by this deadline, the spot will go to a player in the reserve que.

Please contact us if you have problems, technical or other with this deadline. We’ll find a solution.


Payment info can be found in the mail you get, when you get a spot.




We do not want to judge if this LARP can accomodate your needs or not, so we will give as much information as we can, and let you decide.
If you need more information than we have not already given, send us an email. We want you there and if questions are the only thing stopping you from signing up, ask them.

The location has some bad room-acoustics, so when the entire up- or downstairs are together, the soundpressure will be high.
The walls are relatively thin, so you will be able to hear a very loud snorer through the walls.
You will be able to hear people walk around on the second floor and on the stairs.





Some amount must be read in order to participate in the scenario. We try to make parts of the design document and the common material avadible as sound files on demand to ensure that the reading load is reduced.


Reading material:

A design document of approximately 25 pages, costume guide and a subset of the 45 roles.

Your role (the role is on ½-1 page of text.)


Minimum: 30-40 pages.

Maximum: 80-100 pages in total, if you want to read all material, including all roles.



There will be music for the scenario. The sound level we're talking about is far from deafening and rattling loud, but it will have a certain volume so that everyone can hear it when dancing.

If you are sound sensitive, our best answer may be that the music will play for limited periods, and not all the time - and far from concert level.



You must be able to sleep in a room with others. Most will share double rooms, but some will be up to 4 in a room. There are no single rooms.

Some of the beds are slim double beds on 160 cm. See possibly the videos from location.



At the larp, there will be real taxidermied animals used for the game and there will be real looking prop guns for the hunt.

You shall bring your own bedlinen and towel.

The location will not be cleaned during the LARP, unless a character does it.
The rooms and location will be vented and the air circulated during the day, but not at night.

There are stairs, no elavators, tiny hallways, uneven floors and the LARP will have trips to the garden for the hunt, where the gound is soft and uneven.
On the second floor the main-room for down stairs are located.
On the first floor is the dining room and rooms for socializing and the kitchen

There are rooms for sleeping on both floors. 


The temperature outside in Denmark is usually between -2 and 15 degrees celcius in late February 
Bring a coat.





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